For many, it is difficult to imagine that things will ever change for the better
DARFUR: images of what we cannot see; the past mirrors all too closely what we know is the case now
Girl who is a rape victim, with her face deliberately scarred
Women and girls who are raped are often scarred or branded, to make visible their humiliation and the profound stigma that attaches to rape in Darfuri culture
Women leaving camps for firewood, water, or food remain immensely vulnerable to sexual assault.
The Janjaweed, which have been recycled into various paramilitary guises, are now most active as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The viciousness of these overwhelmingly Arab militias is unfathomable.
The victims are innumerable and come from every walk of life
Countless numbers of livestock, representing generations of "wealth" in Darfur, have been killed or looted in the past ten years.
Mortality in Darfur: Is anyone counting? Here is a crude effort at tabulating deaths in Darfur---by date, by means (Antonov, Janjawaeed, SAF), by location. There have been no significant data bearing on mortality released by the UN or anyone else in the international community. The data available as of August 2010 suggest some 500,000 people have died from violence and its consequences in Darfur and eastern Chad since 2003.
( see )