Civil lawsuit on behalf of Sudanese victims of Khartoum's atrocity crimes, brought against BNP Paribas in U.S. Federal District Court, January 20, 2017 (The entire 166-page document is available in Word format upon request: ...
Search Results for: food shortage in Darfur
“Sudan and South Sudan are Tipping into Catastrophic War: An Urgent Recalibration of Diplomatic Measures and Pressures is Required,” Dissent Magazine, April 24, 2012
"Sudan and South Sudan are Tipping into Catastrophic War: An Urgent Recalibration of Diplomatic Measures and Pressures is Required," Dissent Magazine - ...
Is Khartoum’s Suspension of Naivasha Talks the End of the Peace Process? What Will It Require of the International Community to Forestall Collapse? January 29, 2004
Eric Reeves January 29, 2004 If we attend carefully to the fashion in which the IGAD-sponsored peace talks for Sudan recently were forced into suspension by Khartoum's National Islamic Front regime, such a high degree of ...
As part of its genocidal counter-insurgency strategy, Khartoum has deployed the Janjaweed to destroy many thousands of non-Arab/African villages
As part of its genocidal counter-insurgency strategy, Khartoum has deployed the Janjaweed to destroy many thousands of non-Arab/African villages. In the past two and a half years, this assault on villages, farms, ...
Canadian/British human rights investigation of oil development in Southern Sudan produces an authoritatively damning indictment, October 17, 2001 Part II
Yesterday's vitally important human rights assessment of oil development in Sudan ["Report of an Investigation into Oil Development, Conflict and Displacement in Western Upper Nile, Sudan," October 2001] stands as a ...
Khartoum Begins New Military Offensive in South Kordofan: A clear violation of terms laid down by Obama Administration for lifting of U.S. sanctions on Khartoum
Khartoum Begins New Military Offensive in South Kordofan: A clear violation of terms laid down by Obama Administration for lifting of U.S. sanctions on Khartoum Eric Reeves | February 21, 2017 ...
Canadian/British human rights investigation of oil development in Southern Sudan produces an authoritatively damning indictment, October 16, 2001 Part I
A Canadian/British human rights assessment mission has today (October 16, 2001) released the most detailed and authoritative report to date on oil development in Sudan ["Report of an Investigation into Oil Development, ...
The international community remains disgracefully silent in the wake of Khartoum’s continued aerial assault on civilians in Southern Sudan, June 26, 2002
Is there no atrocity that will lead to full-throated international condemnation of Khartoum's National Islamic Front regime? Can Khartoum continue its barbarous aerial assault on civilian and humanitarian targets in ...
“Ibrahim Ghandur, Deputy Chairman of the NCP,” excerpt of his comments from the August 2014 meeting of the most senior military and security officials in Khartoum
IBRAHIM GHANDOUR: his comments during the August 31, 2014 meeting of Khartoum's most senior military and security officials, the minutes of which were leaked and have been confirmed as authentic (all highlighting has been ...
Civil lawsuit on behalf of Sudanese victims of Khartoum’s atrocity crimes brought against BNP Paribas in U.S. Federal District Court (filed January 20, 2017)
Civil lawsuit on behalf of Sudanese victims of Khartoum's atrocity crimes brought against BNP Paribas in U.S. Federal District Court (filed January 20, 2017) Eric Reeves | January 21, 2017 | The ...
“The political calculations of Sudan’s military regime: How Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was overthrown and what happens next in Sudan,” Ahmed H Adam in Al Jazeera, April 20, 2019
“The political calculations of Sudan's military regime: How Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was overthrown and what happens next in Sudan Ahmed H Adam in Al Jazeera, April 20, 2019 | ...
السودان وجنوب السودان على شفا حرب طاحنة: مطلوب اعادة تقويم عاجلة للتدابير و الضغوطات الدبلوماسية (Arabic translation of “Sudan and South Sudan are Tipping into Catastrophic War”)
السفر إلى جنوب السودان وجبال النوبة في يناير 2003، بعد اشهر من توقيع اتفاقية وقف اطلاق النار بين الشمال والجنوب، قناعة مخيفة و حتمية كئيبة هذا ما قاله لي كل مسؤول تحدثت معه في الجيش او المجتمع المدني، بما في ذلك جون قرنق، ...
The Obama Administration, Counter-terrorism Intelligence, and Khartoum’s National Islamic Front/National Congress Party Regime: A retrospective glance | May 14, 2016
The Obama Administration, Counter-terrorism Intelligence, and Khartoum’s National Islamic Front/National Congress Party Regime: A retrospective glance Eric Reeves | May 14, 2016 | On June 2, ...
Reporting on the Deputy Chief of the Transitional Military Council, Lt. General Hemeti, Reuters disgraces itself with appallingly poor, ill-informed journalism
Reporting on the Deputy Chief of the Transitional Military Council, Lt. General Hemeti, Reuters disgraces itself with appallingly poor, ill-informed journalism Eric Reeves | May 30, 2019 | In ...
“President Determines that Khartoum is ‘Engaged in Good Faith Peace Negotiations, ‘ Not ‘Unreasonably Interfering with Humanitarian Efforts,'” April 22, 2003
Relying on a newly prepared report by the US State Department, President Bush yesterday certified in writing to various Congressional committees that Khartoum's National Islamic Front regime is in compliance with conditions ...
An Open Letter to Thomas Ekvall, Chair of United Nations Systems, Khartoum, Sudan, concerning human destruction in the oil regions of southern Sudan — from Eric Reeves, May 25, 2001
May 25, 2001 Thomas Ekvall, Chair of United Nations Systems Khartoum, Sudan Dear Mr. Ekvall: It is my understanding that you very recently chaired a meeting in Khartoum of the "Humanitarian Aid Forum" at which a ...
Indiscriminate aerial bombardment of civilians, and deliberate targeting of humanitarians, continues throughout much of Sudan—as it has for decades under the current regime
TWEET: Sudan ranks 174 out of 178 in the “World Press Freedom Index” (Reporters Without Borders, 2017); this is evidently of no concern to the EU or U.S. as they seek rapprochement with a genocidal regime:
TWEET: Sudan ranks 174 out of 178 in the “World Press Freedom Index” (Reporters Without Borders, 2017); this is evidently of no concern to the EU or U.S. as they seek rapprochement with a genocidal regime: ...
Khartoum’s spectacular hypocrisy in condemning the bombing of Akuem (Bahr el-Ghazal), a site deliberately targeted despite the absence of military presence, February 14, 2002
Just how spectacularly disingenuous is the Khartoum regime of the National Islamic Front? Just how preposterous are the lies this brutal junta will attempt to pass off on the world community in justifying its savage bombing ...
Examples of Sudanese native speakers of Arabic on the authenticity of the minutes of 1 July 2014 meeting in Khartoum comprising senior military and security officials, including President al-Bashir
Examples of Sudanese native speakers of Arabic on the authenticity of the minutes of 1 July 2014 meeting in Khartoum comprising senior military and security officials, including President al-Bashir Eric Reeves, 18 February ...