Current Negotiations between Khartoum and Juba in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia): The View from Khartoum - There are good reasons to believe that Khartoum will use these internationally hailed talks as a means of silencing ...
Archives for May 2012
Darfur in the Still Deepening Shadow of Lies
Darfur in the Still Deepening Shadow of Lies - The United Nations continues with its cynical policy of "see no evil, hear no evil…report no evil" in Darfur. This institutional corruption, and active distortion of the ...
Asking Seriously about Humanitarian Access to Blue Nile & South Kordofan
Asking Seriously about Humanitarian Access to Blue Nile & South Kordofan Eric Reeves, 22 May, 2012 The northern Sudanese border states of Blue Nile and South Kordofan are on the verge of catastrophic human ...
السودان وجنوب السودان على شفا حرب طاحنة: مطلوب اعادة تقويم عاجلة للتدابير و الضغوطات الدبلوماسية (Arabic translation of “Sudan and South Sudan are Tipping into Catastrophic War”)
السفر إلى جنوب السودان وجبال النوبة في يناير 2003، بعد اشهر من توقيع اتفاقية وقف اطلاق النار بين الشمال والجنوب، قناعة مخيفة و حتمية كئيبة هذا ما قاله لي كل مسؤول تحدثت معه في الجيش او المجتمع المدني، بما في ذلك جون قرنق، ...
Arabic Translation ( الخرطوم ولغة الحرب: من يستمع حقًا؟ ) of “Khartoum’s Lanuage of War: Who’s Really Listening?”
كل يوم يمر يزداد الأمر وضوحًا، اذا لم تُذعن جوبا لرغبات الخرطوم الابتزازية حول مجموعة من القضايا فالنظام سيقوم بتسوية الأمور عسكريًا كما فعل في أبيي منذ عام تحديدًا. إلا أنه وفي ظهور واضح للّامبالاة، فان المجتمع الدولي الذي ...
Khartoum and the Language of War: Who’s Really Listening?
Khartoum and the Language of War: Who's Really Listening? (Idea: A Journal of Social Issues (May 27, 2012 -- Vol.16, No.1; - Eric Reeves, 12 May 2012 - Every day it ...
Will the Cease-fire Hold in Sudan Border Regions? A Timeline of Agreements Made and Abrogated by Khartoum
That we should be asking with such uncertainty about the fate of a cease-fire agreement that may hold the key to whether Sudan and South Sudan resume war is not surprising. At countless junctures in the past year and a half, ...
Part 1: A Timeline for Khartoum’s abrogation of agreements to date in 2012
Part 1: A Timeline for Khartoum's abrogation of agreements to date in 2012 Eric Reeves, May 7, 2012 ( Part 2 at ...
Part 2: A Timeline for Khartoum’s abrogation of agreements in 2011 | 7 May 2012
Part 2: A Timeline for Khartoum's abrogation of agreements in 2011 Eric Reeves May 7, 2012 § January 2011: Abyei is not permitted to hold the self-determination referendum agreed to in the CPA. By means of a series ...
Part 2: A timeline for Khartoum’s violation of agreements in 2011
Part 2: A timeline for Khartoum’s violation of agreements in 2011 Eric Reeves, May 5, 2012 (Part 1 at ...