“Egypt and the Peace Process for Sudan: Unjustified Obstructionism,” Sudan Democratic Gazette, January 2001.
“The Danforth Report: Realism or Expediency?” The Khartoum Monitor, April 29, 2002.
“Defining the Next Step on the Path to Peace in Sudan,” The Khartoum Monitor, June 9, 2002.
“Peace for Sudan? A clash of hope and history,” The Khartoum Monitor, July 28, 2002.
“Where does the US stand on self-determination for southern Sudan?” The Khartoum Monitor, August 1, 2002.
“Oil War Resumes, Despite Machakos Accord,” The Khartoum Monitor, August 3, 2002
“Mubarak Makes Egypt’s Position on Peace in Sudan Decisively Clear,” The Khartoum Monitor, August 27, 2002
“Resumption of the Machakos Talks””Responsibilities and Obligations,” The Khartoum Monitor, October 22, 2002
“Machakos in Suspension: Time for Some Tough-minded Thinking,” The Khartoum Monitor, November 25, 2002
“The Latest Round of Peace IGAD Peace Talks Breaks off with No Progress,” The Khartoum Monitor, April 17, 2003
“Colin Powell’s Bumpy Ride to Naivasha (Kenya): What It May, and May Not, Mean for the Sudan Peace Process,” Sudan Tribune, October 24, 2003; also published in South Sudan Review, Volume 1, Issue 6
“Consequences of Failure: The Face of Resumed War in Southern Sudan,” South Sudan Post, August/September 2003.
“The Naivasha Agreement: A Milestone in Sudan’s History,” South Sudan Post, October 2003.
“Enabling Peace in Sudan: The Task at Hand,” The Sudan Tribune, November 6, 2003
“A United Nations Peace Support Operation for Sudan: Urgent Needs, Lethargic Planning,” South Sudan Post, November 15, 2003
“The Day After a Sudan Peace Agreement is Signed: Promises, Risks, Consequences,” The Sudan Tribune, December 6, 2003
“No Peace, No War””But Plenty of Oil Development,” South Sudan Post, November 2003.
“Khartoum and the Rebellion in Darfur,” South Sudan Post, December 2003
“Wealth-sharing Deal Brings a Final Peace Accord Closer, But Can the Khartoum Regime Accommodate the Realities of Peace?” The Sudan Tribune, December 22, 2003
“The Beginning of the End for Sudan’s Peace Process?” The Sudan Tribune, January 22, 2004
“What Are the Prospects for a Just and Sustainable Peace in Sudan?” The Sudan Tribune, February 18, 2004
“Khartoum’s National Islamic Front: A Pattern of Evil,” The Sudan Tribune, February 25, 2004
“The Last and Defining Round of Peace Talks at Naivasha (Kenya),” South Sudan Post, February 2004
“What is the Meaning of the Darfur Cease-fire Agreement?” The Sudan Tribune, April 9, 2004
“UN Commission on Human Rights Fails Sudan,” South Sudan Post, April 2004
“Darfur Mortality Update: July 15, 2004,” The Sudan Tribune, July 15, 2004
“Darfur Mortality Update: July 30, 2004,”? The Sudan Tribune, July 30, 2004″
“The UN Assessment of Security in Darfur: Will this critical humanitarian task fall victim of Security Council politics?” The Sudan Tribune, August 7, 2004
“Darfur Mortality Update: August 13, 2004,” The Sudan Tribune, August 14, 2004
“Darfur Mortality Update: August 27, 2004,” The Sudan Tribune, August 27, 2004
“The Dead of Yassin,” The Sudan Tribune, August 31, 2004
“Speaking Without Compromise on Darfur Genocide,” The Sudan Tribune, September 7, 2004
“Colin Powell’s Genocide Determination,” The Sudan Tribune, September 10, 2004
“Darfur and the Moral Imperative of Equity Divestment,” The Sudan Tribune, September 14, 2004
“Current Policy Proposals for Darfur: A Critique,” The Sudan Tribune, September 23, 2004
“Khartoum’s Strategy for Sustaining Genocide in Darfur,” The Sudan Tribune, September 28, 2004
“South Sudan in the Shadow of Darfur,” The Sudan Tribune, October 5, 2004
“DARFUR MORTALITY UPDATE: October 8, 2004,” The Sudan Tribune, November 17, 2004
“The Genocidal Status Quo in Darfur,” The Sudan Tribune, October 12, 2004
“Is There No Threshold for Humanitarian Intervention in Darfur?” The Sudan Tribune, October 19, 2004
“Darfur Overshadows Southern Sudan,” South Sudan Post, November 2004.
“DARFUR MORTALITY UPDATE: November 16, 2004”, The Sudan Tribune, November 17, 2004
“Darfur in the Geopolitical Calculus,” The Sudan Tribune, November 24, 2004
“Failure to Mount a Humanitarian Intervention in Darfur,” The Sudan Tribune, November 29, 2004
“Genocide in Darfur: A Growing International Strategy of Equivocation,” The Sudan Tribune, December 7, 2004
“DARFUR MORTALITY UPDATE: December 12, 2004,” The Sudan Tribune, December 12, 2004
“Humanitarian aid in Darfur threatened with utter collapse,” The Sudan Tribune, December 17, 2004
“Khartoum Triumphant: Abuja talks end without progress,” The Sudan Tribune, December 22, 2004
“A peace “‘agreement’ between Khartoum and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army: Has the regime done anything but change the subject?” The Sudan Tribune, December 29, 2004
“The Fate of Humanitarian Assistance in Darfur,” The Sudan Tribune, January 5, 2005
“Darfur and the Completion of the Naivasha Negotiating Process,” The Sudan Tribune, January 14, 2005
“DARFUR MORTALITY UPDATE: January 18, 2005; Current data for total mortality from violence, malnutrition, and disease,” The Sudan Tribune, January 19, 2005
“At this moment, terrible things are happening today in Darfur, Sudan”—Kofi Annan, January 24, 2005, to the UN General Assembly,” The Sudan Tribune, January 25, 2005
“Khartoum Continues Genocidal Assaults on Darfur Civilians,
According the international community a well-earned contempt,” The Sudan Tribune, January 31, 2005
“Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur,” The Sudan Tribune, [in two parts] February 3 and 7, 2005
“Darfur Humanitarian Update,” The Sudan Tribune, February 10, 2005
Darfur Genocide and the Faces of International Failure,”? The Sudan Tribune, February 18, 2005
“Engineered Famine: Khartoum’s Weapon of Genocidal Mass Destruction,” The Sudan Tribune, February 23, 2005
“‘Things are looking greatly better in Darfur’—Olusegun Obasanjo, March 4, 2005,” The Sudan Tribune, March 4, 2005
“DARFUR MORTALITY UPDATE: March 11, 2005,” The Sudan Tribune, March 11, 2005
“The Moment of Decision for Darfur: Will humanitarian intervention truly offer civilian protection?” The Sudan Tribune, March 21, 2005
“Humanitarian Intervention for Darfur: Does the international will exist?” The Sudan Tribune, March 31, 2005
“Current Security Conditions in Darfur: An overview,” The Sudan Tribune, April 7, 2005
“The Destruction of Khor Abeche, South Darfur, April 7, 2005: A symbol of international impotence in confronting Darfur’s genocide,” The Sudan Tribune, April 12, 2005
“‘[US’s] Zoellick reluctant to describe Darfur violence as genocide,’ Financial Times (UK) headline, April 15, 2005,” The Sudan Tribune, April 20, 2005
“DARFUR MORTALITY UPDATE: April 30, 2005; Current data for total mortality from violence, malnutrition, and disease,” The Sudan Tribune, April 30, 2005
“Proposed Increases in African Union Monitoring Presence in Darfur: Still no serious response to insecurity facing civilians, humanitarian workers,” The Sudan Tribune, May 7, 2005
“The ‘Two Darfurs’: Redefining a Crisis for Political Purposes; Amidst genocide by attrition, expedient misrepresentations are proliferating,” The Sudan Tribune, May 20, 2005
“Khartoum’s Continuing Assault on Humanitarian Aid: A campaign of intimidation in the context of international acquiescence,” The Sudan Tribune, June 1, 2005
“3.5 Million Darfuris Need Food According to the UN World Food Program; They cannot be fed with investigations by the International Criminal Court,” The Sudan Tribune, June 8, 2005
“Khartoum Accommodated: The Abuja (Nigeria) peace talks in the context of international acquiescence,” The Sudan Tribune, June 17, 2005
“Rape as a Strategic Weapon of War,” The Sudan Tribune, June 21, 2005
“DARFUR MORTALITY UPDATE: June 30, 2005; Current data for mortality from violence, malnutrition, and disease,” The Sudan Tribune, June 30, 2005
“‘We have learned nothing from Rwanda,’ Kofi Annan—speaking of history’s judgment of the international response to Darfur (BBC, July 3, 2005),” The Sudan Tribune, July 6, 2005
“Sudan’s “‘Government of National Unity,'” The Sudan Tribune, July 14, 2005
“In the Wake of John Garang’s Death: Prospects for Peace in Sudan,” The Sudan Tribune, August 2, 2005
“South Sudan and Darfur in the Wake of John Garang’s Death: A season of disingenuousness,” The Sudan Tribune, August 11, 2005
Continuous weekly publication of lengthy (5,000-word) analyses in The Sudan Tribune through April 2006—(all Sudan Tribune analyses are linked to by Google News)
[dozens of analyses published on Sudanese websites, including Africafiles.org, Gurtong.net, Imatong.net, Southsudannation.com, DarfurPeaceandDevelopment.org]