And more waiting in the wings--- State of New Jersey SELLS OFF TALISMAN PENSIONS & INVESTMENTS (WCPI); Page: 1; 7 February 2000. The $82 billion New Jersey Division of Investment has sold all of its 780,000 shares in ...
“Smith College officially divests from Talisman Energy,” February 26, 2000
Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts February 26, 2000 Smith College officially resolved, as of today, to own no shares of Talisman Energy Inc. while it remains a partner with the Government of Sudan in the Greater ...
“A Lightning Rod for the Canadian Divestment Campaign,” February 24, 2000
A LIGHTNING ROD FOR THE CANADIAN DIVESTMENT CAMPAIGN GOES UP The University of Toronto sets the stage for Canada-wide campus divestment campaign Eric Reeves [February 24, 2000] Smith ...
The nascent divestment campaign against Talisman Energy, February 18, 2000
[February 18, 2000] THE NASCENT CANADIAN DIVESTMENT CAMPAIGN AGAINST TALISMAN ENERGY: Eric Reeves Smith College 413-585-3326 Northampton, MA For almost four months now, ...
“Talisman Energy and the Harker Report,” February 9, 2000
Talisman Energy, the Canadian Foreign Ministry, and the "Pinocchio problem" [or, "Overtime for Hill & Knowlton!"] [February 9, 2000] For some time now, Talisman Energy officials have been denying that they had ...
“Leadership Vacuum Leaves Darfur in Peril,” The Boston Globe, October 3, 2004
from The Boston Globe, October 3, 2004 Leadership vacuum leaves Darfur in peril By Eric Reeves | October 3, 2004 THE WORLD has finally awakened to the horrors of genocidal destruction in the Darfur region of western ...
“Darfur: Ongoing Genocide,” Dissent Magazine, Fall 2004
From Dissent Magazine, Fall 2004 "Darfur: Ongoing Genocide" by Eric Reeves The insurgency in the Darfur region of western Sudan began virtually unnoticed in February 2003; it has over the past year precipitated ...
“A slow-motion genocide,” The Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 24, 2004
from The Cleveland Plain Dealer Monday, May 24, 2004 "A slow-motion genocide" by Eric Reeves In the Darfur ...
“The Shilluk Kingdom in Southern Sudan is Going up in Flames,” Tinabantu: Journal of African National Affairs, Volume 2, No. 1 (2004)
from Tinabantu: Journal of African National Affairs, Volume 2, No. 1, (2004) "The Shilluk Kingdom in Southern Sudan is Going up in Flames," by Eric Reeves [April 2, 2004] The perversity of the irony could ...
“Darfur: Another Chance to Combat Genocide in Africa,” The Baltimore Sun,” April 1, 2004
The Baltimore Sun, April 1, 2004 "[Darfur]: Another Chance to Combat Genocide [in Africa]" by Eric Reeves ANOTHER AFRICAN genocide is gathering pace in the far western Darfur region of Sudan just as the grim 10th ...