DOES GENOCIDE continue in Darfur? Do we still see "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, [Darfur's African ethnic groups] as such," the high standard set by the 1948 UN Genocide Convention? The question ...
Ban Ki-moon in Sudan: Vacuous Diplomacy and Specious Declarations
Although still notionally "in progress," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's mission to Sudan on behalf of Darfur has clearly failed to register significant political progress on any front. And insofar as this mission marks a ...
Darfur Betrayed Again: The UN/AU “Hybrid” Force Steadily Weakens
Bending to the will of Khartoum's brutal National Islamic Front (National Congress Party) regime, African Union leaders are engaged in a process of eviscerating whatever potential may have existed for the force authorized by ...
“How Many Deaths in Darfur?” from The Guardian (on-line), August 20, 2007
How many people have died as a result of Khartoum's genocidal counter-insurgency campaign in Darfur? What is overall mortality since February 2003? These questions have been much in the news recently, particularly in the ...
Darfur Mortality: Shoddy Journalism at the New York Times
A recent op/ed on human mortality in Darfur, which appeared in the New York Times ("An Atrocity That Needs No Exaggeration," Sunday, August 12, 2007), has garnered considerable attention, indeed notoriety. The piece is by ...
On the Future of Security in Darfur: UN Security Council Resolution 1769
Below are two essays in which I attempt to assess the significance of UN Security Council Resolution 1769, authorizing a large "hybrid" African Union/UN force to Darfur: [1] "Too little, too late for Darfur: Belated and ...
The Darfur Resolution Currently Before the UN Security Council
A chronology of international responses to the Darfur genocide over the past year provides a deeply dispiriting time-line, and suggests how unlikely it is that security for civilians and humanitarians will improve any time ...
Darfur Assessment by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, July 2, 2007, Part 2
"During the last six months, we have made slow but credible and considerable progress in helping resolve this Darfur situation,' [Ban] told a news conference in Geneva." (Reuters [dateline: Geneva], July 2, 2007) In judging ...
“…credible and considerable progress in helping resolve this Darfur situation”—Assessment by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, July 2, 2007
The UN Secretary-General has apparently assumed as his primary responsibilities in responding to the Darfur crisis a contrivance of meaningless optimism, a whitewashing of deteriorating security conditions in the greater ...
On Ban Ki-moon, Darfur, and Global Warming, from The Guardian (on-line), June 20, 2007
The failures of the UN Secretariat in responding to the Darfur catastrophe are among the many signs that the international body remains incapable of responding to crises that entail confronting sovereign nations engaged in ...
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