This is a disgrace in its timing–do UN OCHA and UNICEF have no idea about what is impending on December 19?
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during Nazi-era Germany, near the town of Bergen in northern Germany. British ground forces found some 60,000 prisoners inside the camp; more than 75,000 had died before or would die after the liberation of the camp in April 1945. “The victims [of the Holocaust] perished not only because of the killers, but also […]
The New York Times declared that “peace has settled on the region” (Darfur) in a February 2012 dispatch There has never been a correction offered by the Times to this outrageously, scandalously inaccurate assessment. The Times can most easily be reached by emailing the “Public Editor,” nominally representing readers at the Times:
Kalma camp (South Darfur) March 2014–new arrivals, fleeing violence, face daunting conditions
Eric Reeves is now a Senior Fellow at Harvard University’s François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
An infant killed during a bombing attack in the Nuba Mountains, May 23, 2016. Although there is hardly a need for a new photograph of those killed in the course of the Khartoum regime’s ongoing aerial onslaught against the civilian population of the Nuba Mountains, there could be no more revealing image than this of […]
A badly malnourished child in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan The Commissioner of Tobo County in South Kordofan told [Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust during a recent mission to the region]: “They are killing us loudly, but no one is listening. We have no food, we have no shelter, our children have no education or […]
It is worth noting that the sites and villages indicated are in North Darfur, and that the phonetic spelling of “Antonov” and “Janjaweed” are unmistakable. There are many columns such as those on the left, giving the “place of kill” for the often scores of casualties in a particular attack.
No international actor has done more than the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to insulate the Khartoum regime from criticism of its kleptocratic ways. Edward Gemayel, the IMF’s Mission Chief for Sudan, has claimed that “Sudan has a long track record of implementing sustainable economic policies.” This is demonstrably false and no less than immensely destructive mendacity.
Darfur (scalable map); see “Changing the Demography,” here