Beyond shame, beyond scandal…simply despicable, given what UNAMID chief Ibrahim Gambari knew of al-Bashir’s crimes; this “sociability” was also in violation of UN stipulations about contact with those indicted by the ICC. This incident was a deep revelation of not only the character of UNAMID leadership, but of the willingness of the African Union Peace […]
IMF responsibility for Sudan’s economic collapse
The New York Times on “Peace settling on Darfur,” February 2012
#Sudan’s economy continues its precipitous decline, but with no international news attention. Reuters was the last news organization to offer anything meaningful—that was years ago. Sudanese newspapers attempting to tell the truth are silenced. Meanwhile, Sudanese people suffer.
Fatou Bensouda, International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor; the distinguished international jurist is receiving no help from the UN Security Council
TWEET: President Recep Erdogan of Turkey prepares for a state visit to meet with #Khartoum regime’s génoicidaire-in-chief al-Bashir as ICC Prosecutor Bensouda reminds the UN Security Council of its failures, and the dire consequences for the future of the court. The ICC is dying…
TWEET: An important report on a region much overlooked: “DÉBY’S CHAD: political manipulation at home, military intervention abroad, challenging times ahead”—implications for 320,000 Darfuri refugees in eastern Chad | Jérôme Tubiana and Marielle Debos |
TWEET: #Sudan’s collapsing #economy reflects lack of basic knowledge by regime’s policy makers, gross self-enrichment by regime members & cronies, and indifference to the impact of catastrophic economic realities the regime has itself created. News dispatches are increasingly revealing:
The NIF/NCP regime’s long history of failing to invest in Sudanese agriculture and agricultural infrastructure is now taking a terrible toll