"Khartoum Collapses Darfuri Civil Society Peace Effort," Christian Science Monitor | Eric Reeves, May 27, 2009 Northampton, Mass. - Is there a road to peace in Darfur? The question has broad geopolitical implications. ...
Darfur Humanitarian Expulsions, Two Months On
Darfur Humanitarian Expulsions, Two Months On Eric Reeves | May 14, 2009 | http://wp.me/p45rOG-Aa Views of the Darfur humanitarian crisis continue to diverge sharply, and it is difficult to escape the conclusion that ...
“Is President Obama’s Sudan Policy Becoming One of Capitulation?”
"Is President Obama's Sudan Policy Becoming One of Capitulation?" Eric Reeves | April 28, 2009 | http://wp.me/p45rOG-A9 In April 2008 candidate Barack Obama described the Bush administration's move to normalize ...
Khartoum’s Expulsion of Humanitarian Organizations (March 4, 2009)
On March 4 and 5, 2009 the National Islamic Front/National Congress (NIF) regime expelled thirteen of the world's most distinguished humanitarian organizations from Darfur and the rest of Northern Sudan. The regime also shut ...
Darfur Enmeshed Within Sudan’s Broadening National Crisis (Part 3 of 3)
KHARTOUM'S THREATS This analysis appears immediately prior to a much anticipated announcement (scheduled for March 4, 2009) by the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court. The Court will almost certainly issue ...
“The Qatar ‘Peace Process’: Less Than Meets the Eye,” The Sudan Tribune, February 9, 2009
Much is being made of Darfur "peace talks" scheduled to convene in Doha, Qatar on February 10, at least for exploratory discussions. But key elements, and participants, for a true peace process are not in place. Moreover, ...
Darfur Enmeshed Within Sudan’s Broadening National Crisis, Part 2
The previous analysis in this series (http://www.sudanreeves.org/Article231.html) focused primarily on the potential for intra-state conflict in Sudan, particularly in South Sudan, Southern Kordofan and the Nuba Mountains, ...
Darfur Enmeshed Within Sudan’s Broadening National Crisis
With dismaying predictability, the continuing catastrophe in Darfur commands less and less news attention, largely because it has settled into a grim "genocide by attrition," defined not so much by massive ...