Hello, website visitors--- If you have perhaps begun to contemplate holiday gift purchasing, I hope you'll consider the woodturnings I've made over the last year, for purchase on-line at: ...
“Mass Onslaught of Sexual Violence in Tabit (North Darfur): UNAMID Declares it Finds ‘No Evidence,'” Sudan Tribune | 10 November 2014
[16 November 2014 update: I have received today detailed information about the names of those raped, beaten, tortured, and arrested in Tabit from Friday October 31 to November 1. For obvious reasons neither the source nor ...
More Lies from UNAMID: False Representation of an Investigation of Mass Rapes at Tabit, North Darfur | 6 November 2014
[November 7 update from Radio Dabanga: Appendix 2] In the immediate wake of the UN's whitewashing of UNAMID's past failures to report, and prevent, atrocity crimes in Darfur (see below), the Mission has now deliberately ...
“SPLA/in Opposition” Issue an Ominous “Press Release” Concerning UN Helicopters | 2 November 2014
As fighting rapidly accelerates with the arrival of the dry season, the rebel forces that make up what has been designated, without precision, the "Sudan People's Liberation Army/in Opposition" (SPLA/iO) will be badly ...
Impending Assault on Kalma Camp (South Darfur) by Khartoum’s Military and Security Forces | 31 October 2014
[ 2 December 2014 update: The threats discussed in this analysis were ultimately confirmed by the Secretary-General, in the form of: "Report of the Secretary-General on the African-United Nations Hybrid Operation in ...
Fallout from Leaked Minutes of August 31 Military/Security Meeting: Khartoum’s Obligatory Lies | 29 October 2014
"Fallout from Leaked Minutes of August 31 2014 Military/Security Meeting: Khartoum's Obligatory Lies" Eric Reeves | 29 October 2014 | http://wp.me/p45rOG-1wo The effects of widespread circulation of the minutes of an ...
Compromising with Evil: An archival history of greater Sudan, 2007 – 2012 (with Review Commentary)
Compromising with Evil: An archival history of greater Sudan, 2007 – 2012 By Eric Reeves Editing and research, Madeline Zehnder www.CompromisingWithEvil.org (available at no cost) TABLE OF CONTENTS (links ...
New and authoritative translation into English of minutes for August 31 meeting of the most senior military and security officials in the Khartoum regime
New and authoritative translation into English of minutes for August 31 meeting of the most senior military and security officials in the Khartoum regime Eric Reeves | October 22, 2014 | http://wp.me/p45rOG-1wk A ...
On the leaked documents in Khartoum: The Unsurpassably Authoritative “Africa Confidential” | 10 October 2014
AFRICA CONFIDENTIAL, October 10, 2014, Volume 55, No. 20 http://www.africa-confidential.com/article/id/5809/The_world_according_to_Khartoum, "The world according to Khartoum": The smuggling out of what appear to be top ...
“Khartoum Announces a Campaign to ‘Starve’ the People of the Nuba Mountains,” The Huffington Post | October 7, 2014
"Khartoum Announces a Campaign to 'Starve' the People of the Nuba Mountains," Eric Reeves, The Huffington Post, October 7, 2014 ...
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