Images from Zamzam camp for internally displaced persons (North Darfur), 2020 – 2024*
Above three photos were taken by UNAMID or unknown photographer; they may be searched on Google using their “image search”
Above photo from Sudan Tribune
Food for some 7,000 people was prepared August 30 – September 2, 2024
More such events are in the works because of recent contributions to the project.
Many older people know that Zamzam is where they will die

Grief is everywhere in Zamzam
* All photos and were taken by members of Team Zamzam and forwarded to my colleague Gaffar by the Team’s coordinating counselor (unless otherwise indicated). Most are from the past year; many are very recent, taken since the evidence of famine in Darfur became overwhelming.
Crediting: “Member of Team Zamzam, Zamzam IDP camp, North Darfur”