December 2022 | ANNEX 1: The counselors of Team Zamzam
Nancy Reeves, Editor and Funding Advisor; Julie Darcq, Online Campaign Coordinator
The nucleus of Team Zamzam counselors was created in summer 2020, following two weeks of intensive training of eight women; the training was provided by professionals with experience in responding to sexual violence, Sudanese law, and international human rights law. Advice on security in the dangerous environs of Zamzam camp for internally displaced persons was also provided.
Presently Team Zamzam comprises eighteen counselors (newer counselors having either relevant educational background or training by fellow counselors). Additionally, two men serve on the team, providing (unarmed) security, transportation to El Fasher for fistula surgery patients and the seriously ill (one of the men has access to a car), as well as assisting in the distribution of food and medicine.
Here is the list of names of the current counselors (last names excluded); the staff has been remarkably stable since full assembly, excepting those who left for reasons of pregnancy or illness:
Fatima Abdelkarim, 29 years old. One of two primary project coordinators
Naima Mohammud Sieneen, 40 years old. One of two primary project coordinators
Siham Abdullah, 28 years old. Communications coordinator
Rashida Safi, 40 years old. Project counselor
Soumia Mursal, 30 years old. Project counselor
Marwa Abakar Sineen, 30 years old. Project counselor
Manheil Ibrahim Younis, 42 years old. Counselor responsible for fistula patients
Um-alfogra Abdulla, 45 years old. Project counselor
Amani Zakaria, 20 years old. Project counselor
Hanan Ali Adam, 31 years old. Project counselor
Salma Mohamed, 23 years old. Project counselor
Fatina Bakiet Hassan, 37 years old. Project counselor with oversight responsibilities
Elnouba Harry, 34 years old. Project counselor
Amani Mohamed, 26 years old. Project counselor
Shoudow Abakar, 31 years old. Project counselor
Mahasin Tijani, 28 years old. Project counselor
Sealwa Omer, 30 years old. Project counselor
Rougia Suleiman Hameid, 24 years old. Project counselor
Omar Managou, 34 years old. Head of security for the counselors
Ibrahim Mukatar, 29 years old. Security guard and assistant for transportation, distribution of food/medicine
No photo has everyone from the Team, but everyone appears in at least one or another of them