Snapshots of the Popular Uprising in Sudan: A compendium of news, videographic/photograph representations, reports from the ground
Eric Reeves | February 24, 2019 |
The declaration of a “state of emergency” by regime president al-Bashir has the effect of militarizing all governance in Sudan, and signals that violence will become even more savage, repression more brutal, and the chances for peaceful regime change much less likely. Those continuing to protest non-violently for peace, freedom, and justice will face security forces operating with total impunity—and rules of engagement that included the unlimited use of beatings, dispersal of tear-gas in violation of international law, and lethal force.
Giving any full sense of the uprising is made extremely difficult by the geographic breadth of the uprising in the enormous and highly diverse country; the difficulties in overcoming the severe restrictions on social media and Internet access (requiring the use of “Virtual Private Networks,” or VPN); the lack of journalists remaining in the country (many have been expelled, even as Sudanese newspapers are subject to unprecedented censorship). Both Radio Dabanga and Sudan Tribune—particularly the former—have offered a number of excellent and well-informed overviews; but limitations on any reporting are great and the sheer volume of information that is making its way out of Sudan in fragmentary fashion defies the formulation of any comprehensive narrative.
What I offer here are what I think are the most telling recent excerpts from my daily Twitter chain, which extends back to December 19. Many Tweets are re-Tweets; all depend on news sources or sources on the ground. Calling into Sudan is extremely difficult and requires the encryption of a service like “WhatsApp.”
There is no claim to completeness here; the most I can achieve is a degree of representativeness that conveys the extraordinary courage of those sustaining—non-violently—the demands for peace, freedom, and justice…and acknowledges as well, as fully as possible, the terrible suffering and loss of life that has been endured by these courageous people of Sudan.
[This is a work in progress: the Twitter chain here will be extended both further back in time (as time permits) and forward (as events dictate): the current chain here extends back to February 21, a selection of 30 Tweets on a range of topics.]
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
Sudan Tribune provides a particularly good account of recent events in Khartoum/Omdurman, particularly the #Burri neighborhood, which has endured so much of the al-Bashir’s regime violence
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
Eric Reeves Retweeted Darfur Union – UK
Omdurman, near Al-Hilal Stadium, 24 Feb 19, this is the Sudanese people answer to Bashir declaring State of Emergency. For you ICC indictee, not for us! Freedom, Peace and Justice #SudanUprising #الشارع_بس #مدن_السودان_تنتفض #تسقط_بس #موكب24فبراير
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
#SudanUprising #StateOfEmergency: The militarization of all governance in Sudan has now been completed: al-Bashir has turned the country into a military state, with security forces that enjoy total impunity and have a license for the most brutal forms of repressive violence:
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
#Sudan: Radio #Dabanga yet again provides an excellent overview of the continuing, widespread popular uprising. The regime simply does not understand the depth of outrage that is reflected in the actions of the people, and that will continue until there is peace, freedom, justice:
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
#SudanUprising #StateOfEmergency: The militarization of all governance in #Sudan has now been completed: al-Bashir has turned the country into a military state, with security forces that enjoy total impunity and have a license for the most brutal forms of repressive violence:
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
#Sudan: Radio #Dabanga yet again provides an excellent overview of the continuing, widespread popular uprising. The regime simply does not understand the depth of outrage that is reflected in the actions of the people, and that will continue until there is peace, freedom, justice:
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
#Sudan #SudanUprising: The al-Bashir regime is fundamentally ignorant of economics, but seems to understand almost nothing about the impact of workers who will no longer accept the destructive policies the regime. #StateOfEmergency
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
Eric Reeves Retweeted Yousra Elbagir
#SudanUprising #StateOfEmergency: This is is a fearsome image that has been conjured up, and the terror for people is undoubtedly great…since terror has been a critical part of the al-Bashir regime’s repression, we should expect to see even more terrifying efforts such as this one:
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
Eric Reeves Retweeted Sana Abasher
#SudanUprising: The #StateOfEmergency is nothing more than an acceleration of violent repression and savage attacks on the people of #Sudan. It is the most ruthless form of survivalism by the al-Bashir regime, but it will not succeed.
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
Eric Reeves Retweeted Sana Abasher
#Sudan #SudanUprising The search for mobile phones by security forces will certainly intensify; yet the courage of people of Sudan ensures that we will continue to see massive amounts of video/photographic coverage of the al-Bashir’s regime’s ghastly violence and cruelty.
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
Al-Bashir seems to be trying to ensure that a close ally will succeed him as president. This will NOT fool people of #Sudan: they will refuse to yield even before what is clearly a growing commitment to use violence against protesting for peace, freedom, justice. #SudanUprising
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
Eric Reeves Retweeted Abdelrahman Al Gasim
#SudanUprising: This is an important fact about the new Vice President of the al-Bashir regime…
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 24
#Sudan: Tear gas will be used with much greater intensity in the wake of al-Bashir “emergency” declaration. See: “Tear Gas as a Chemical Weapon: When is it prohibited under international law? The question of Sudan at present,” Eric Reeves, Jan. 24, 2019 |
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 23
#SudanUprising: This is an excellent report on the features and implications of al-Bashir’s declaration of a “state of emergency.” The most powerful section is the account of what will follow in the way of increased brutality by the regime’s security forces. #StateOfEmergency

Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 23
#SudanUprising: This is a wonderful, compelling article discussing a wide range of topics concerning #Sudan, but emphasizing the role in the country’s political future that protesting youths have earned. #StateOfEmergency
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 23
#SudanUprising: Humanitarian efforts in #Darfur and other marginalized regions of #Sudan will suffer severely in the wake of al-Bashir’s declaration of a “state of emergency.” Along with a collapsing economy, this development will cause terrible suffering and many deaths.
#SudanUprising #StateOfEmergency: Al-Bashir’s contempt for the law–whether Sudanese law or international human rights law–knows no bounds. His declaration of a “state of emergency” simply reveals the full extent of his tyrannical powers, unchecked by any democratic forces.
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 22
Eric Reeves Retweeted Hiba Morgan
Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Feb 22
#Sudan: This the predictable response of the Sudanese people to al-Bashir’s self-serving claim of a “state of emergency.” The people will not be intimidated, and they have made their statement to this effect tonight. #SudanUprising
What will happen in Sudan following al-Bashir’s declaration of “Emergency”? | Eric Reeves | February 22, 2019 (more to be forthcoming)
#Sudan: The despotic tyranny of the al-Bashir regime stands fully revealed in this declaration of a “state of emergency”: it is nothing more than a license to extend and intensify the brutality with which the regime has responded to the #SudanUprising. And the world watches…
#Sudan: Another excellent and comprehensive overview of protests and demonstrations from Radio Dabanga; makes clear why the al-Bashir regime feels the need to declare a “state of emergency,” a declaration that will sanction even greater violence, repression, and deadly shootings.
#Sudan: Another sign of the desperation of the al-Bashir regime, as a “state of emergency” is to be declared by the “president.” His statements about whether he will continue to rule beyond 2020 are worthless garbage, to be changed in a moment if he wishes. #SudanUprising
#SudanUprising: Is the al-Bashir response to the uprising about to take on ominous turn? A state of emergency was last declared in December 1999 (and extended for four years). Strongly suggests that repression will deepen–more details to follow…
#SudanUprising: Yet another photograph indicating that al-Bashir security services are disguising their vehicles using the #UN logo–an outrageous violation of international law to which the UN leadership should respond with urgency and vehement condemnation.
#Sudan: The workers in Port Sudan are holding steadfast against the corrupt, self-enriching privatization deal the al-Bashir regime has orchestrate. This strike has the capacity to bring excruciating pressure to bear on the regime, as containers can’t be unloaded. #SudanUprising
#SudanUprising: As the numbers of those who remain arrested/detained/tortured while incarcerated grows, it is important to remember that behind every single number if an individual, with his/her own life and aspirations, family and friends, and a love of #Sudan
Cyril #Sartor, Senior Director for African Affairs of the US National Security Council, claims that “with more patience” the al-Bashir regime “will be to find a political solution.” This is an utterly disgraceful lie, a terrible betrayal of people of #Sudan–and Sartor knows it.