Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am writing to give you an update on Dr. Albaqir al-Afif’s health situation. As many of you know, early this year, Dr. Albaqir discovered that he has Duodenal cancer. This advanced disease required him to seek immediate treatment in the United States, which has included eight doses of chemotherapy. Thankfully, Dr. Albaqir has responded well to the treatment and doctors have scheduled him for an operation to remove the tumor on 17 December 2018.
Dr. Albaqir has been in the forefront of the civil society movement in Sudan. His leadership of the Khatim Adlan Center for Enlightenment (KACE), since 2007, has been a shining example of selfless advocacy for human rights and justice in Sudan.
Dr. Albaqir’s operation will cost a significant amount of money. The cost of the treatment which included diagnosis, imagery, and chemotherapy has so far cost $92.000 (ninety two thousand dollars). The surgery will cost another $105,000. The total is therefore $197,000. Thankfully, Dr. Albaqir and his family have been able to raise $82,000 through personal savings and loans. However, there is a remaining balance of $115,000 that remains to be funded. I hope you can join us, by generously supporting this cause to help cover the remaining amount.
As manager of this campaign for the United States, Suliman A. Baldo plans to withdraw the funds raised by the campaign and have them deposited into a dedicated account that he has opened in the Bank of America. The Title of this account is: Suliman A. Baldo, // ALBAQIR ALAFIF FUND ACCOUNT and its details are below for those who prefer to make direct bank transfers.
Eric Reeves
For those who would prefer direct transfers, the Bank Details are:
Bank: Bank of America
Account Number: 3810 5369 5327
ACH Routing Number: 021200339
1. *For incoming foreign wires in foreign currency: BOFAUS6S*
2. *For incoming foreign wires in US DOLARS: BOFAUS3N*