Eric Reeves, 29 May 2014 •
The civilians of the Nuba Mountains continue to endure relentless aerial bombardment by the military forces of the Khartoum regime—without condemnation, indeed largely without notice. But for the people of the Nuba, the realities of such constant attacks—all of them war crimes under the terms of the Rome Treaty that is the statutory basis for the International Criminal Court—are ever-present, destroying their lives and livelihoods.
These aerial attacks began in June 2011—almost three year ago. There is no sign that Khartoum feels any pressure to end the brutal campaign. Certainly none of the selective outrage of the Obama administration, the UN, the European Union, and the African Union has focused on the perpetrators of these atrocity crimes.
[For a full account of aerial bombardment in greater Sudan from 1999 to 2013, see]
From the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-North (SPLM/A-N)–May 29, 2014
54 bombs dropped in vicinity of Kauda town over the last 3 days (Arabic translation below)
[Khartoum’s] National Congress Party air force planes intensified their attacks on Kauda town and surrounding areas in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan over the last three days. More than 53 bombs were dropped on residential areas, schools, hospitals, and farms. On May 27, 2014, an Antonov bombed Kauda with 8 bombs, causing damage to some buildings; on May 28, 2014, an Antonov plane bombed twice, dropping a total of 24 bombs; and at 5:00pm a Sukhoi-24 dropped 7 bombs (four them did not explode). Three bombs landed near the rural hospital. Four houses were destroyed, one man and two children were wounded. On May 29, 2014, a Sukhoi-24 bombed Kauda with 14 bombs, horrifying civilians and destroying buildings.
Arnu Ngutulu Loddi
SPLM/A-N official spokesman
(lightly edited for clarity—ER; photographs below are from previous bombing attacks)
ثلاثة ايام متتالية من الاعتداء الجوى على مدينة كاودا باكثر من 54 قنبلة
قامت طائرات سلاح الجو التابع لنظام المؤتمر الوطنى بالاعتداءات المكثفة على مدينة كاودا والمناطق المجاورة بولاية جنوب كردفان/ جبال النوبة لمدة ثلاثة ايام متتالية ، اكثر من 53 قنبلة اسقطت على المناطق السكنية، مدارس، مستشفيات، زراعات، فى يوم 27/5/014 قامت طائرة الانتنوف باسقاط عدد 8 قنابل احدثت اضرار كبيرة فى المبانى السكنية، يوم 28/5/014 اسقطت طائرة الانتنوف فى طلعتين عدد 24 قنبلة دمرت اربعة منازل فى كمو وجرحت واحد رجل وطفلين، وفى نفس اليوم الساعة 5:00 مساء اسقطت طائرتى سخوى 7 قنابل 4 منها لم تنفجر 3 بالقرب من المستشفى الريفى، وفى يوم 29/5/014 اسقطت طائرة السخوى عدد 15 قنبلة فى كاودا لقد سببت هذه الاعتداءات رعب وخوف وسط المواطنين العزل، كما احدثت اضرارا جسيمة فى المبانى والمزارع.
أرنو نقوتلو لودى
الناطق الرسمى باسم الحركة الشعبية والجيش الشعبى
لتحرير السودان-شمال