Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts
February 26, 2000
Smith College officially resolved, as of today, to own no shares of
Talisman Energy Inc. while it remains a partner with the Government of
Sudan in the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company. This decision
reflects a moral resolve not to be shareholders in a company that is complicit in ongoing human destruction and suffering without equal in the world.
The decision was made by the Smith College Investor Responsibility Committee, comprised of Trustees, senior members of the College administration, and College faculty. Deliberations were made in the context of abundant materials solicited from prominent specialists on the Sudan crisis, as well as materials provided by Talisman Energy.
Though the College presently owns no shares of Talisman Energy, formal instructions to all College endowment investment managers will be sent
out forthwith, insisting that Talisman shares not be acquired in any form.
Eric Reeves
Professor of English
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063